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A Good Egg With A Few Cracks


This is my new description of myself since, despite all my good-doing, I still come up a little short.

We can start with my annoyance at the homeless situation along with the entitled rich.

It’s interesting how they walk in tandem to the latter’s horror, if they ever stopped to notice that is.

My problem is, I notice too much. It’s gotten so insane the number of people on the street, demanding not merely asking, for money.

If I’m called cheap one more time for only giving a dollar, I may just cash in my chips, permanently.

What disturbs me the most, is now you can’t even tell the real needy from the scammers. You have men in wheelchairs you see later on, walking to get the bus, that chair folded up slung over their shoulders.

Then there’s the trio I see, young outlaws who meet up to crow over what a great day they had ripping off tourists they know, will never see them again, already on their way home to Idaho.

I hear them gathered at one of the free WIFI stations charging their phones. Yes, they all have phones, these poor urchins Aunt Nebraska and Uncle Ohio even bought lunch for.

Why does it irk me so?


Let’s switch channels to the exumed Gilded Age, those hilarious, heartless east siders who will encourage their chauffeurs to run you over for a parking space.

I actually have come to think of them as the #ME ME ME MOVEMENT, those who hate Mr. Trump but would still vote for him again since, well…he is one of them after all, like a wayward son they pray for when they go to mass on Sundays to pretend what great people they are.

If I sound harsh, it’s because I’m acquainted with many of them who attend church strictly for show.

The kindest people I know go to the Park instead, worshiping at Nature’s altar.

There’s something to that.

God must be pulling out his hair at this point, not knowing what to do anymore.

I just flashed on him with a crew cut.

Bill Cosby gets out of jail, while a guy in the Ozarks goes to jail for an unpaid traffic ticket.

Okay, I’m being my wryest, but you get the point.

The term right-sized means…

to convert to an appropriate or optimum size.

Think of a swelled head, or balls that have gotten just a tad too big needing immediate deflating.

I think this needs to be addressed as a possible new amendment.

I just may call Nancy to discuss it, and if not in, off shopping for another bad suit making her look like a Delta flight attendant, then my shrink.

Hopefully he won’t be at Brooks Brothers buying another button-down with a collar so tight he sounds like George Plimpton.

“That’s all the time we have for today Susannah.”

To quote those great sages, the Beatles. “Yeah yeah yeah.”


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