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All American Tales


After Franklin Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945 in Warm Springs, Georgia of a cerebral hemorrhage, his cousin, Margaret “Daisy” Suckley who was there, took it upon herself to take Fala, FDR’s beloved Scottish Terrier, home with her assuming Eleanor, his absent Missus, wouldn’t want him.

Yes, Fala was a he, named after Murray the Outlaw of Falahill, a famous Scottish ancestor.

Well, Mrs. R. indeed wanted him, making Daisy bring Fala back,  becoming her constant companion until Fala passed at the age of 11 in 1952. 

He now rests in the rose garden at Springwood, their home in Hyde Park, New York, now FDR’s Presidential Library, beneath the sundial between his beloved Master…and Mistress. 

When President John F. Kennedy went to Paris in 1961, the crowds in waiting were huge, though making it quite clear the person they longed to see was his elegant First Lady chanting, Jack-leen, Jack-leen… nous voulons (we want) Jack-leen.

JFK, no fool, knowing his wife was an asset when addressing the crowd said with that notorious Irish glint in is eye…

“I am the man who accompanied Jacqueline Kennedy to Paris.”

And how they loved it.

In 1902 when Theodore Roosevelt and his growing family occupied the White house (1901-1909), 9 year-old Archie was sick in bed with measles. His 5 year-old brother, Quentin, thought if he could only see his pony, Algonquin, he’d feel much better.

With the help of a footman who pushed from behind while Quentin pulled in the front, they managed to get the pony onto the White House elevator galloping into his young master’s room to great applause.

Those little Rooseveltian apples, didn’t fall far from the tree.


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