Life On The Train
Number 6 Local 1 pm I’ve taken the black crepe off the windows along with my widow’s weeds trying to accept the things I can’t change. Or as my late friend Jackie would say, making lemonade out...
View ArticleDid You Know…Little Known Facts Edition
The actor Chris Cooper everyone loves whose name no one remembers, lost his 17 year-old son, Jesse, in 2005 from complications from Cerebral Palsy stricken at birth. Nineteen years later, he and his...
View ArticleDid You Know…Quirky Facts Edition
Actors Bill Murray and Richard Gere both have grown sons named Homer. Mary Lincoln, Abe’s neurotic missus, was jealous of Julia Grant, U.S. Grant’s significant other despite Mrs. Grant being as...
View ArticleBullet points
Why did the media go bananas when Jill Biden was cordial to Donald Trump when they met at the reopening celebration of Notre-Dame? Why is rude the norm and politeness the rarity? Should pleasantness...
View ArticleHappy Birthday Bill
I was thinking of you Bill when a cardinal landed at my feet. A woman nearby said it was a sign from someone no longer here. It startled me, and not because of what she said, but that it always...
View ArticleChickens On The Avenue
I’m on Madison walking single file. There are so many people you have no choice. My least favorites are the ones on their phones either holding up the line or screeching in your ear as you attempt...
View ArticleA Future First Lady, With Cheese
Roma Pizzeria Third Avenue and 87th Street One of the things I love about a pizza parlor is how one minute it’s packed, the next empty. No one lingers; you pay, you eat, you leave. Thinking...
View ArticleDid You Know…First Edition 2025
Actress Mariska Hargitay better known as Olivia Benson on Law and Order: Special Victim’s Unit, is the daughter of actress Jayne Mansfield and Body Builder, Mickey Hargitay. She was 3 years-old in...
View ArticlePutting It To Rest
I have a thing for graveyards and cemeteries. I like visiting, always placing a stone down to say I was there; Alexander Hamilton buried in Trinity Churchyard; Herman Melville and Miles Davis at...
View ArticleDid you Know… A Little A This ‘N’ That
My grandma, she can make a soup, With a little a’ this ‘n’ that. She can feed the whole sloop group, With a little a’ this ‘n’ that.…Pete Seeger (1963) A policeman in civilian clothes is called a...
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