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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo…Respectfully


images.jpeg My respect for Governor Andrew Cuomo has increased considerably.

If one wants to see what’s been referred to as a War President, he certainly wears the mantle.

New York, the city where I’ve lived more than half my life, is under siege. Its enemy much worse than any previous one including September 11th’s in 2001, because it’s one you can’t see.

It sneaks and prowls, skulks and stalks, like an invisible sniper.

Think Jack the Ripper without a body…without a face.

Though safely in my home, well as can be, a mile or so away, a makeshift hospital stands filled with those fighting for their lives. I see it in the morning on my run that, if I didn’t know better, with all the tents set up, would think a carnival came to town.

Police line the Park’s perimeter with crime tape laced across because, if this crisis isn’t a crime, then I ask you, what is?

My Governor has been a leader, same as FDR who said, all we have to fear is fear itself, but Andrew, being right up in the front lines, knows, that alas, that’s not the case here.

He sent the National Guard out to collect all the ventilators, masks and gloves other towns blessfully don’t need, but from fear, have covertly hoarded.

Can you blame them? No.

Can you blame him? Hell no, not after what he’s seen.

When attacked and criticized after his plaintive cry to Washington for help, he said…

“This is a time for partnership, not partisanship.”

This spoke to this patriot poignantly, already knowing, it is a time of unity, not separation. To be kind instead of impatient, noble rather than grand.

After coming from the Park early this morning, seeing Fifth Avenue lost and empty, except for the American Flag flying defiantly in front of the Met, I wept, then came home and wrote my Governor a letter.

April 5th, 2020                                              New York City

The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo Governor of New York State…NYS State Capitol Building…Albany, New York 12221

Dear Governor Cuomo,

As I looked down a deserted 5th Avenue seeing nothing but our noble Flag, her colors brighter than ever, it made me think of you.

You, who’s been so brave in your efforts, leading the fight against this insidious demon that sadly, for now, seems to be winning. I, as a New Yorker, who’s never seen anything like this before, feel a whole lot safer having you at the helm.

Your Father, if he were here, I know, would be very proud of you.

So thanks Governor Cuomo, for all that you’ve done, and all that I know, you’ll keep doing.

And let God bless you, and keep you safe.

Sincerely…        GettyImages-84237104_cijdvr.jpegLong may she wave.

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