I’ve just finished FEAR: The MP in the White House, fast and furious, like the trashy tabloid read it is, not meant as an insult, just a seasoned reader’s point of view.
It’s entertaining, as if the National Enquirer became expensively bound with a creepy cover, Donald Trump giving off a satanic glow.
I’m glad it was a library book since, there was no way I’d buy something so garish for my esteemed coffee table.
Next to the Kearns’s, Leadership in Turbulent Times with Lincoln , and Meacham’s, The Soul of America, the beautiful Childe Hassam’s flags gracing its front
, it would be like adding pasties to an Audrey dress.
FEAR, oddly enough, is nothing shocking, since our 45th President does that regularly, but you do see his White House is more Tammany Hall, than Jeffersonian.
There’s no decorum among its members, playing the game my friend Ed calls—Whose Dick is Bigger.
Trump is portrayed as anything but cerebral, more meat and potatoes in the way he thinks and views the world. But it’s how be became so successful, cutting everything right down the center, indifferent to casualties along the way.
In other words, he runs his Oval Office same as any other, never apologizing nor trying to pretend he’s anybody but who he is.
Andrew Jackson, our 7th President, also considered uncouth and crude, comes to mind.
I smiled, reading how he hates homework, rarely reading anything. I immediately saw a snot nosed school kid watching the clock, waiting for the bell to ring.
He hires and fires like he’s changing lunch orders, Tweeting more than a fucking canary.
After a few chapters, you see respect has no place in his White House, the players garroting one another for sport.
Rudeness rules, like when Steve Bannon told Ivanka she was just a staffer and nothing more. Imagine saying that to the First Daughter, which can explain why he’s history, as they say.
My favorite tale is how Mr. Trump didn’t understand why the Mint just can’t make more money. I thought that too, when I was 12.
It sounds as if the Leader of the Free World, has a few marbles missing minus middle ground. It’s either yes or no, black or white, fuck you or, why not stay for lunch.
Gary Cohn, his former chief economic advisor, quaintly called him, a professional liar.
The delicious details in FEAR makes it a page-turner, not to mention quite daunting hoping much of it isn’t true since, our president seems reckless, especially when it comes to nuclear war. He needs to go back and review JFK’s actions daintily performed, during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis for tips on how to keep the country safe.
Bob Woodward has been known to embellish to sell books, so I’m hoping that’s the case here.
If only the Resolute Desk in the Oval could talk, then maybe we’d finally know…
the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth…