Channel: Politics – athingirldotcom
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Agree to Disagree?


I’m amazed at how many people think Brett Kavanaugh should be voted in without further delay, despite all the licentious lore, alleged or otherwise.

Why I’m surprised by this can be chalked up to my chronic naiveté. The pictures portrayed are so ugly, yet few seem to care, doubt replaced by indifference.

A friend said, hey if we were in France this wouldn’t even have come up.

Yeah, well, my little French fry, but we’re not, we’re here, where decent behavior is still on the floor, in this case, the Senate floor.

I try avoiding talking politics being the committed dove that I am.

World peace still creeps into my nightly prayers even though it kinda’ went out with bell bottoms and the hula hoop.

You’re surprised I pray? Like a little fallen nun, making sure my file stays active.

Did you know, JFK got on his knees every night before going to bed to say his prayers?

Can’t you just see him in his pjs asking God to forgive him for sleeping with half of Washington? Yes, if he were here today, he’d make all the Bills and Bretts look like amateurs.

What’s my point—that bad boys have ruled our country all along?

We did have Thomas Jefferson who canoodled with one of his slaves. FDR didn’t let a little thing like polio stop him from playing hide-the-salami with Missy LeHand, his long time private secretary. Of course Eleanor at that point didn’t care, happy to be relieved of duty, like Hillary, who with the exception of how Bill’s appetites might have affected her political career, didn’t give a shit either.

I ask myself, why is integrity so important to me anyway? I wasn’t raised on it, my mother  sleeping with everything that moved, except my father who should have moved—out, since he might have lived a lot longer.

And as far as his integrity went, when the whole neighborhood thinks you’re a putz for putting up with your wife’s flagrant philandering, at best, it’s somewhere back in the closet.

Integrity— the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

I don’t know where it comes from, but I have it, and very much wish to see it in others, especially those with the privilege of presidential and congressional power.

Crazy me.          





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