Channel: Politics – athingirldotcom
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Religion, Politics and How Old Do You Think I Am?


These are three topics that should be avoided at all costs.

Recently, a girl I was working with asked, how old did I think she was.  I tried bobbing and weaving so not to answer, but she persisted, smiling seductively expecting me to give her desired answer.  When I said early 40s, her face, which believe me is pretty damned pretty, folded like a pup tent.  

“No one has ever guessed that high before,” she mewled.

“I’m sorry, but how old are you?”


Okay, shoot me that I didn’t say, 36, but when you’re as old as I am, early 40s sounds awfully good.  She moped the rest of the day like Bambi in a blazer. 

Next, do not say you’re a democrat or a Trump hater, or some Navy Seal with too much zeal, might follow you home.  If you don’t mind me saying, it’s a mystery why he’s so popular, the Tweeting fool that he is, but yet he is.  Even people I admire like him.  I will remind them of this when we’re in a bomb shelter in our gas masks eating canned lima beans.  

And forget religion, since I am so done with that too.

Christians, to quote writer W.P. Kinsella, “who never let you forget they’re religious…that a truly religious person would let his life be example enough and not let it interfere with being a human being.”

Those, if you were bleeding, would step over you on their way to sing in the church choir,   smirking as they say, oh Lord deliver me, and I’d like to, right down the nearest mail chute.

Even Jews lately are pissing me off with that, we’re the chosen people, attitude tooling around wanting nothing to do with anyone who isn’t en route to temple.  I do have a mezuzah after all, so shiksa or no shiksa, still deserve a little respect.

Toss in Allah who needs a good smack, and well, it’s my opinion that one should stick to the weather, when engaged in conversation.   

My two sense…no…that’s not a typo.



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