It’s no secret Donald Trump, the bible still warm from his oath of office, proceeds minus tact nor diplomacy. I attribute this to not caring what others think of him, an odd trait for any president to have.
I’ve been thinking a lot about his recent immigration order, suspending entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days, barring Syrians indefinitely, that understandably has the world in an uproar.
I’ve learned, rather than scream and criticize, to consider and weigh. It’s better for one’s blood pressure.
He’s sending a message to the terrorist group, ISIS and it’s ardent followers…
We are not going to be blindsided again by your hatred of us. We, from now on, will be vigilant and ready, make no mistake.
It’s bewildering to say this hasn’t always been the case. When The Trade Center was attacked the first time on February 26, 1993 leaving 6 people, including a very pregnant woman, dead and 1,042 injured, we were anything but ready. You would think we would have suited up then, but instead, trained the men who did succeed 8 years later to fly the planes that killed nearly 3000 Americans.
I’ve often asked myself why this was so…why we didn’t take better care of ourselves during the coming attractions of what was to come.
I will never forget September 11, 2001 as long as I live, doesn’t matter how much time passes. Now I understand how people still relive the Holocaust because the horror never fades.
I can still hear the bray of bagpipes at the countless funerals a block from where I lived. The image of the little boy holding his dad’s police cap as the casket mewled by.
The burnt smell…all that was left of those innocent people, perishing that day, creating the biggest funeral pyre in U.S. history.
Don’t misunderstand….I don’t approve of Donald Trump or the way he’s using the innocent to make his point.
I wish there was another way.
But I understand it.
I was here on September 11…and so was he.