Isis Goddess of Egypt, was the Goddess of motherhood, magic and fertility and matron of nature. She also was considered a friend of slaves, sinners and artisans, protector of the dead and Goddess of children whom all beginnings arose.
Two days ago, a 29 year-old kid, walked into a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida murdering fifty people, wounding fifty-three more before killed by police.
Omar Mateen, a Muslim American, in a 911 call, pledged his allegiance to the terrorist group ISIS, standing for, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, acting in their name.
I wonder how Isis herself feels, being maniacally misrepresented this way, her children slaughtered like sheep on the sunrise of a Sunday.
For someone who witnessed and lived through September 11th, it’s a wonder I’m still amazed by such an act. The hatred in this young man…where did it stem from? How did it start? He was a baby once, his mother’s son, innocent and pure, happy and holy…when did the devil step in stealing all that good?
What bewilders me more than the crime itself, is the pride afterwards. Proud to kill, pleased to slay so many. The picture of this man smiling I don’t have the pluck to post, leaves me heartbroken to think, humanity has plummeted so far.
I think of Columbine and Sandy Hook, the Batman cinema shooting and the bloodshed at the 2013 Boston Marathon.
But for me, as a passionate New Yorker, the Towers being felled right before us, by hearts beating with inexplicable malice…come back to haunt.
God bless the fallen.
God help those who mourn them.