Freedom comes with a price that’s never more evident than when you go to Arlington National Cemetery, and it has little to do with the Kennedys, all majestically buried there like movie stars.
It’s those endless rows of white headstones standing at attention, representing the brave souls beneath them, bringing you to your knees.
The first time I went, like everyone, I too wanted to see the eternal flame Jackie so poignantly lit in November, 1963. It was way before she joined her husband where she now rests.
Even the famous Lee Mansion standing sentry over land, once the home of Confederate General, Robert E. Lee, takes a backseat to the simple markers reminding you, it’s because of them, I get to even be there.
It’s because of them and their brethren, I get to wake up each day wrapped in liberty and that ongoing pursuit of happiness Jefferson promised, without ever having to hide, halt or explain my preferences.
I’m an American after all whose rights prevail no matter what.
Because our dedicated Armed Forces make certain of it.
Freedom, whether it’s to vote, say what you think, go to college, have children, drive a car, play ball, open a business or work for one, comes with huge price tags.
At Arlington, you can count them. ![images-1]()