I ask myself, me who’s so proudly patriotic, will I even bother to vote for our next president. The alleged choices, the American Evita, to quote author, Christopher Anderson, or a callous cockatoo who needs a chronic dose of mousse. ![images]()
Who will it be, the least annoying, the one you hate less…the either or of evil?
I’ve read so many exposes on Hillary Clinton unmasking her many flaws I could lecture. She and her husband seem to live by their own set of rules free of conscience conducting their lives like Bonnie and Clyde. Should outlaws run our country with its illustrious lineage, her noble predecessors who will now be tainted by association?
And how about The Donald in the White House so mean, so black and white. Why don’t we just exhume Stalin who also had hair issues.
On a personal note, one of my dearest friends lives, as a rent-stabilized tenant, in one of Donald Trump’s buildings, and when I say he’s been harassed, forced repeatedly into court with mounting legal fees, it would blow your mind.
Another girl I know in-between wives, dated him and said, he was the most arrogant man she had ever known making her cry to the point where she changed her number. If he could do that to a well-seasoned blonde, think what he’d do to America.
How did we end up with such menacing candidates with more than a little larceny in their blood?
Washington, Lincoln and the two Roosevelt’s dust are kicking up dust in rightful protest.
Voting for Hillary to support women just doesn’t feel like enough for me. I know she’s smart as was Bill when he took the helm. And if this was France, that famous blowjob would be much less legendary as her choice to absorb the blow, pun intended. But we aren’t so casual in that department, and whether that’s good or bad, really doesn’t matter. What does matter, is appointing a just, capable person we trust to lead.
Donald Trump frankly scares me, much more than Hillary because he’s such a loose gun. I’m sure the NRA will welcome him with open firearms, Tom Selleck heading the pack.
Imagining his foreign policy makes what little hair I have stand on end, and when at the onset of his run, I thought, no way, he’d ever have a chance. Well you know what, after hearing people talk and seeing his daily endorsements by men you thought had brains, now I’m not so sure.
So who will it be? Who shall we choose… the least annoying, the one you hate less…the either or of evil?
I really don’t know, but what I do know is, we as a country, are in trouble.
Recommended reading:
American Evita – Christopher Anderson
The Truth About Hillary – Edward Klein
The Case Against Hillary Clinton – Peggy Noonan
How To Get Rich – Donald Trump
The Trump Coloring Book – M.G. Anthony