In 1964 Martin Luther King, at 35 was then the youngest recipient to receive the Noble Peace Prize for his non-violent leadership in the Civil Rights Movement.
Not until 2014, would Malala Yousafzai at 17 become the youngest for her efforts to insure that all children have the right to an education.
The writer Maya Angelou’s real name was Marguerite Johnson who started out in life as a Calypso singer, even cutting an album titled, Miss Calypso.
Hollywood in 1923 was called HollywoodLand after a real estate developer put up a 50 foot sign that was later abbreviated, still seen today.
After Robin Williams played a homeless man in the 1991 film The Fisher King, it was in his contract, any company hiring him also had to hire a certain number of homeless people and put them to work. It’s one of the many reasons his kindness to this day is legendary.
There are no rules…just follow your heart…R.W.
The renowned prizefighter, Sugar Ray Robinson after crooked management and troubles with the IRS found himself flat broke. When he became too old to fight, Frank Sinatra, a longtime friend and fan, made quiet arrangements to pay all of Robinson’s bills.
Gotta love Frank for that.
Theodore Roosevelt in the 1912 presidential election, was the very first to launch an Independent Party calling it…
The Bull Moose Party.
Teddy was angry at William Howard Taft he helped elect assuming he’d be his puppet after he left the White House.
Taft turned out to be an estimable man of his own, Teddy against him pilfering votes, causing Taft to lose to Woodrow Wilson.
The kicker?
Teddy hated Wilson even more than Taft, so he kinda shot himself in the foot, no pun intended.