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Showdown At The Mailbox


  As I’m mailing a letter see a woman I loathe coming towards me, like a hawk stalking its prey.

 She’s rich, obnoxious and an avid Trump follower.

 One learns in New York to stay clear of three topics: religion, politics and the Pooper Scooper Law, but this woman feels this doesn’t apply to her.

 After coming from CVS where another wealthy idiot annoyed me being rude to the cashier, was in no mood for her when she said, “So you think that crook Biden who’s going to be impeached you know, should still stay President?”

 There’s an expression in AA…don’t pick up the rope. In other words, don’t engage, especially with schmucks. Well, timing is everything so one can say I swung that rope like a lariat.

 “Hey, don’t mention crooks to me unless it’s Donald Trump.”

 “You’re still the same stupid girl I see.”

 “Well, this stupid girl thinks you should head on home before you’re sorry you ever spoke to me.”

  “Is that a threat? Should I call my lawyer?” laughing, foolishly pouring fuel on the fire.

  “The worst thing about you Ruth, is that you think integrity doesn’t matter. The reasons to dislike Trump are vast, but you don’t even see them. Your net worth votes honey, not your humanity. But that’s what happens when you don’t have integrity.”

  “How dare you.”

  “How dare I?”

  I notice people have stopped to listen.

  “Donald Trump didn’t even have enough decency to show up on the September 11th 20 year anniversary, the only President besides Jimmy Carter who was unwell, not to. He was at a wrestling match instead.

  “You have…”

  …DON’T INTERRUPT ME? But here’s what I don’t get. Didn’t you lose someone that day?”

  “Yes, you know I did. My brother-in-law.”

  “Yet, you still don’t get, do you, why he should have come and why you should be as enraged as I am.”

  A man that was listening quietly said, “You know lady, I lost my son that day. He was a fireman. He was only 26. And I voted for Mr. Trump in 2016, but I would never vote for the man again.”

 After that there didn’t seem much left to say.

We both humbly went on our way, leaving the hawk with empty talons.

Only in New York!


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