I am so sick of doctors.
I’m sick of rejected insurance claims.
I’m sick of women called Carmen who say after you’ve held on the line for 20 minutes, “It’s okay honey, it happens…all the time. They put it in wrong…but if they wannna get paid they’ll fix it.”
“But they’re professional billers who are suppose to know what they’re doing.”
“Yeah well, you know how it is. Things slip through the cracks.”
“While I’ve got you on the phone Carmen, do you happen to have any by any chance…crack that is.”
I want to scream at the ensuing sloppiness of health care.
I’d like to burn down the hospitals who practically take your organs by force to pay for unacceptable treatment in an ER after midnight taking advantage of you along with the hour.
While I’m ranting, let’s toss in bedside manner that appears to be a dying art, pun intended. Are doctors and nurses so jaded they forget the average patient is just a little scared?
I was appalled at what celebrity chef Sandra Lee’s doctor said to her after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Are you sitting down? “You’re like a ticking time bomb,” he said, which is why she’s opting for a double mastectomy rather than 6-8 weeks of daily radiation so she never has to go through it again including such insensitivity. I think comparing her to a bomb wasn’t the most tactful, compassionate remark to make and then, as a tag he adds, “You’re a poster girl for early mammography.”
Let’s invite him to our next Christmas party, shall we? We can hang lights on him then push him towards the nearest circuit breaker.
I just had my cute little neurologist tell me I need a psychiatrist because I am just too rattled by the 85 tests I’ve just had still inconclusive. Gee Doc, can you recommend anyone? How bout I just check into the nearest nut house till the next test. At least you’ll know where to find me. But if you could intervene, I’m not too thrilled having to hand over my Tiffany belt.
They treat you like meat and wonder why you’re just little shaky.
What did you say…it’s out to lunch?
That would be if we were lucky.