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July Fourth, 2022


  I’m a patriot down to my socks.

  Despite our present government kicking the Founders in their teeth wooden or otherwise every chance they get, one still basks in their eternal glory.

  Too flowery?

  I can’t help myself.

  Whenever I think of Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Dr. Benjamin Franklin, I get weak in the knees.

  You weren’t aware Ben was a doctor? He was given an honorary Masters and Art degree from Harvard and Yale.

  Not bad for only having a second grade education. Pretty encouraging I’d say.

  These men were brave.

  As Ben so accurately said…

we either hang together or hang separately…

because if they didn’t pull off their American War of Independence, their heads would have been on pikes featured on London Bridge.

  It’s a pity our present government officials weren’t more like them.

  During that time their personal lives in the name of liberty, suffered greatly.

  Both Washington and Jefferson’s homes were in desperate disrepair.

  Franklin left his in Philadelphia to live in France for 9 years as our advocate, leaving Deborah, his wife of 44 years dying of a stroke while he was away.

  Washington, who took no salary for those seven years of war he so valiantly led, retired at the height of his fame to go home to salvage what he could.

  Adams too suffered, his kids with the exception of his eldest, John Quincy who accompanied him, hardly knew their father after he too lived in Europe for our great cause.

  Can you imagine Mitch McConnell leaving his home in Louisville, Kentucky to bivouac somewhere for the betterment of the country?

 I don’t think we’d get him as far as Paducah.

 And we mustn’t forget Mr. Trump, the only living president aside from Jimmy Carter whose age (97) kept him home who didn’t bother showing up on the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001 because he was guess-hosting a boxing match.

 Now he’s a role model if we’ve ever had one, just in reverse teaching, one never wants to be a one-ply, half-assed American.

 On that severe but just note…

 On the 246th anniversary of our precious independence, let us think of those men who were responsible we can be who we are, say and write what we choose, living gloriously in the land of the free.

Long may she wave.    



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