I’ve often thought, if I became rich, how would I be…what would I do generosity wise?
Would I just write random checks to offset my new tax bracket, or step up to the plate giving wise?
I then remembered who I was asking. Of course I’d give, but on a personal note.
Warren Buffet comes to mind since his humanity is legendary. Bill and Melinda Gates’s as well, the one shared trait that will never separate them.
When you see someone in need, you help without fanfare or aggrandizement.
It’s not about your greatness, but more a noble responsibility.
I remember when Donald Trump was in office wondering why he with all his money, didn’t give more?
You just don’t associate philanthropy with the Trumps, and a free hotel room at one of his now closed casinos doesn’t count.
Now take the Kennedys. You don’t have to like them but they believe in giving, despite their well known flaws.
The Special Olympics started on Eunice Kennedy Shriver’s lawn, exploding into what it is today.
That generation didn’t fool around when it came to making a difference.
I often muse over actor Johnny Depp spending all this money getting back at his ex-wife Amber.
I so want to say, John…Captain Jack if you will, instead of revenge, how bout helping out a kid who needs a kidney?
Or a family, who due to fire, lost their home?
The waste of getting even bewilders me. His mother, whom he loved, apparently was a great giver, so I know it nests in him somewhere. If I ever meet him, and it’s not impossible considering where I live and the work I sometimes do, will pull him aside and mention this.
And next you’ll see the New York Post’s headline…
The upside? I’d then know how Chris Rock felt at the Oscars.
As for me adding weight to my bank account when I do win the Derby…
Mr. Buffet, are you available sir for consultation?
Me and my horse who just came in would like to invite you to lunch.
How’s this Thursday, my place…casual dress.