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An Eye For An Eye For An Eye For An Eye


What is happening to our world, a loaded question if there ever was one.

Looking through back newspapers at the library, I came across the headline…80 Little Lives Lost.

It was referring to the kids on the Malaysian plane shot down a week ago today.

It has haunted me all morning.

I don’t like writing sad pieces. My goal is to make a reader laugh, but I don’t feel so funny at the moment. I can’t wrap my brain around all this violence.

Didn’t an eye for an eye in the Old Testament mean, a proportionate response? If you pull my pig-tail, I get to pull yours…not, if you yank my hair one more time your head will be in a mason jar.  images-3

Israel is about to be leveled from the earth…the Atlantis of our lifetime…and my naive brain can’t understand why this is preferable to a truce.

The terrorist group yet to come forward though Russia is looking pretty good, didn’t care there were kids on that plane. The least they could have done was check the passenger list to see. I know that sounds ridiculous, but if they were Connecticut terrorists they might have done that.

But as a fellow I know said, “They want the kids, so they don’t grow up to fight them.” We were in the middle of lunch and suddenly my arugula salad went flat. When did hatred get so out of hand.

You’d think after 9/11 I’d be more versed in terrorism, but truthfully I’m not and feel it’s a blessing.

I just reread 13 Days, a book Robert Kennedy wrote about the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.images-1 It’s always stunning to read how, if JFK wasn’t so level-headed, we wouldn’t be here. The Joint Chiefs wanted to blow Russia, and ourselves, to kingdom come. It was more desirable to be right than alive.

If you could get a copy, it’s worth the read. images-2A real education and moment of triumph for our 35th president who’s now only remembered for his demise and flagrant infidelities (you can also rent the film of the same name).

On a personal level, I’ve learned to put down resentments even when they’re more than a little warranted.

If one more soul acts badly in relation to my limited hearing, I just may have a public showdown.

The last time it happened, the person who lost patience when simply asked, if he could please speak up making me feel worth ten cents a pound, apologized in an email the next day.

I accepted of course, for me more than him.

Anger is just too heavy to carry because next thing you’d know, I’d be stalking him with binoculars and an Uzi.

We have to nip hatred in the bud or we will be no more.

Isn’t that a no-brainer?     images-5


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