Did You Know?
In 1921, President Warren Harding’s Airedale Terrier, Laddie Boy, was the first White House pet to receive regular news coverage.
The Little Engine That Could.
The Emmett Till Antilynching Act which passed unanimously by the 116th Congress, on January 3, 2019, was introduced by our newly elected-Vice President, Kamala Harris, as the Junior United States Senator, of California.
When Abraham Lincoln occupied the White House, he rode a horse called ‘Old Bob.’
Abe, was also the first President to bring a cat to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Tabby was her name, a gift from Abe’s Secretary of State, William H. Seward.
Elizabeth Taylor, though no longer together, kept a framed photograph of Richard Burton on her nightstand till the day she died.
All of France mourned.
Myth has it, the term, So long, Charlie, was coined by jockey, George The ‘Iceman’ Woolf,
Now that’s what I call a a pal.