When a woman walked into my friend’s grocery store, without a mask, refusing to wear one when he politely asked her to, I didn’t say…hey bitch, who do you think you are?
After my friend made the decision not to press it, rather than blurting, what makes her different from the rest of us, zipped my masked lip.
A man left his Miniature Poodle outside of Starbucks while he sat inside drinking his coffee. Rather than ripping him a new one for neglect, since canine theft skulks the neighborhood, I stayed with the dog till the careless asshole came out. When he cooed, “I see Maisie has a new friend,” I bit my lip before turning on my high heel.
I’d been to a wake at Campbells to pay my respects to a man I had worked for. Overhearing a woman saying, “Look how pale he is, and yellow around the eyes,” I held back a…pale? Yellow? He’s dead, you idiot, without smacking her.
The Funeral Director who I’ve known forever, popped over smiling like it was more a wedding than a wake, wanting so much to say, Charlie, I’ll call him, remember where the fuck you are.
Is that a body bag in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?
A woman, drenched in Gucci, beside herself delayed behind a can man whose shopping cart filled with empties was a bit too slow, didn’t hear me snap, just be glad cupcake, that’s not you.
The very, rich, entitled man whose…
let’s combine three apartments renovation during an epidemic while people are already about to stick their heads in the oven…said, “Miss Bianchi. So nice to see you. Hope my men aren’t being too much of a nuisance.”
Well, all I can say, I didn’t say, or better yet, do, was knee him so hard in the balls, to quote a film I like…it gave him a nose bleed.