To say my tolerance of rudeness is down a quart, is putting it mildly.
I’ll go toe-to-toe on this, but I blame our president who’s taken inappropriate behavior
to new heights.
That said….
I was getting a pedicure, a real treat to soak my feet, have them rubbed and fussed over…to relax for an hour, a grace every woman should permit herself.
I was in the company of 4 other women having manicures, when a young girl in her 20s comes in.
Vivet, the owner, who’s sweet as can be, tells her in ten minutes someone will be free.
This young lady, drenched in Lululemon, the latest high-end athletic wear, sits down and proceeds to talk on her phone, earbuds in place telling you, she talks all day…look ma, no hands, in Dolby Sound.
This puts Vivet in an uncomfortable position, since Koreans by nature, at least in the spa world, are not assertive people.
Now the peace I have has now taken flight since LuLu strolled in, deciding, my feet and I aren’t taking it sitting up, or lying down.
“Excuse me,” I say, in a pleasant tone, “are you going to stay on your phone?”
She’s obviously stunned by my question since, I’m betting no one has ever addressed her public chatroom before.
“I’m talking to my friend,” she says, as if that should clear things up.
“We know, since you’re speaking so loud, and I, for one, am finding it disturbing.”
“Like excuse me? Well, what if she were here and we were talking, how is this any different.” She says this in a voice that could carve ice.
“I’m saying again, I’m finding listening to your conversation disturbing, and am asking nicely for you to please hang up.”
She grabs her bag, starts yelling right till she gets to the door when she turns, looks directly at me and screams…
No one bats an eyelash, even after I apologize to Vivet for losing her a customer, since, I thought she’d hang up and that would have been that.
I then over tip her, to try to make up for it.
Aside from all that, how a young girl could behave this way leaves me mystified. Who taught her that it doesn’t matter what you do in public, and to be disrespectful and insulting on top of it?
Which brings me back to our dear president, who is the most inappropriate individual currently on the planet, with his mean Tweets,
name calling, giving permission to his fellow Americans to act the same way as in his own dog eat dog world, the truth being, dogs actually behave better.
It’s as if the government, of the people, by the people, for the people, has gone polyester…
even at The Nail Nook. Sigh ![images.jpeg]()