The only thing President Donald J. Trump’s impeachment did for me, was ignite my history, since he now shares the Big Kahuna of congressional admonishments with two other men: Andrew Johnson,
our 17th President by default, and William Jefferson Clinton,
number 42, by blow job…forgive my urbanese but what do you call it exactly, a big boo-boo?
I’ll say.
Andrew Johnson’s (no relation to Lyndon though they had succession through assassination in common), firing his Secretary of War without consulting Congress, deserves more understanding considering the state he was in.
He was Lincoln’s Vice-President for ten minutes when Abe got the big bang, making him his successor. Lincoln had replaced Hannibal Hamlin as V.P. hoping a southern sympathizer to the union cause, would help get him reelected, which looked unlikely for a time.
Now here’s where Johnson went slightly off the rails. He found out he was on John Wilkes Booth’s hit list, but George Atzerodt, who was given the job of axing Andy, got cold feet, making it as far as the door of Johnson’s rooming house before running away.
He believed everyone after that was a co-conspirator of Booth’s, including Edwin Stanton, Abe’s formidable Secretary of War. Many believe, including Bill O’Reilly, in his book, Killing Lincoln (2011), that he was a party to the assassination.
So, in the end, the Senate voted to acquit Johnson by a margin of 35 guilty to 19 not guilty – one vote shy of the two-thirds needed to convict, which I suspect will happen to Mr. Trump.
As for Mr. Bill who was charged with High Crimes and Misdemeanors, that sounds like a Milton Bradley game (Perjury and Obstruction of Justice) for making oral history in the Oval with an intern, was also let go like a naughty school boy.
All 45 Democrats in the Senate voted “not guilty” on both charges, as did five Republicans; they were joined by five additional Republicans in voting “not guilty” on the perjury charge.
It’s kind of like standing in the corner with gum on your nose…by recess, it’s all pretty much forgotten, unless of course your cohort got slandered, like Monica, who the Clintons did everything short of putting a hit out on her to get her to swing from her shower rod.
Johnson had a field day executing four prisoners including Atzerodt and Mary Suratt, who owned the boarding house Booth and his men frequented, including Mary’s son, John, who, unlike his colleagues, managed to escape, not returning even knowing he’d help his mother’s cause, making her the very first woman executed in our country, and the last, by hanging
Just imagine, all this occurred without one Tweet.
If I had one wish it would have been to save Mary from the gallows since imprisonment would have sufficed, and that our present CAPITOL nonsense would cease.
What happened to…and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth?
Have you seen it anywhere? ![images.jpeg]()