Today is the twelfth anniversary of September 11th, so the irony of this is not lost on me.
I’m not political. I merely pray and hope for the best where our leaders are concerned, which I’d admit, is like an ostrich rolling dice.
I’ve learned to stay clear of the news if possible since all it does is put me in an acute state of fear and anxiety, but sometimes the news finds you.
I was, of all things, in a frozen yogurt line waiting to pay. The little sweet shoppe had a huge flat screen TV up on its wall that was turned to a news channel. As I licked the top of my Peach Melba Swirl, I suddenly find myself looking at a picture of dead Syrian children that were allegedly gassed and now lined up like dolls waiting to be carted away.
I’m not exaggerating when I say I was sick to my stomach and had to sit down.
Then of course I had to know more and couldn’t quite believe how many children and women, along with thousands of men, have been senselessly slaughtered so far.
It haunts me still.
As long as I live I will never understand cruelty of any kind let alone of this medieval, maniacal nature. It’s naive I know, but I’m stating my truth. I’ve never been able to read about the Holocaust for this reason and we all know how much I love to read.
How could they? Who were they, and how could the devil prevail to this degree?
It brought up the year 1939 when President Franklin Roosevelt wouldn’t let a boat filled with Jewish immigrants, who came seeking asylum off the coast of Florida, come into the country. They had to go back knowing they’d be sent to a camp and more than likely killed.
FDR was always a hero of mine, till then.
Everyone I’ve asked thinks we should not help the people of Syria because no one wants another war, including me.
But then I see the faces of those children and ask myself, but aren’t we supposed to protect the weak and helpless?
This slaughter is a crime against humanity, plain and simply.
Even if they relinquish all their chemical weapons as promised…will that be enough?
And what if it happened here and other countries refused to help us…what if England for instance said, we just don’t want another war… sorry if they’re killing you.
Don’t be so sure it could never happen here. Did anyone think two mighty towers twelve years ago today could be felled taking three thousand Americans along with them?
I still have a hard time wrapping my brain around the events of September 11th, 2001. Did I dream it?
If only.
There’s a poignant story about two men in a concentration camp. One is on his knees praying, thanking God. The other, incredulous watching, turns to him and says, “Look where we are, look what they’re doing to us…what could you possibly be thanking God for?”
The other man said, “For not making me like them.”
I don’t want war either, but I ask you…
what about the children?