Some people live by the sword, I, 12 Step Slogans, zipping the lip in my top ten.
What does it mean?
Shut the fuck up if you know what’s good for you because the minute you engage about anything confrontational, your peace of mind heads south.
It teaches you to pause, picking your fights since most of them are passing piques that in a blink of an eye won’t matter anyway.
So what’s the point?
It comes in handy, even politically when you’d so like to mow down that ignoramus against gun control indifferent to the latest random shooting, while relish from that hotdog clogging his arteries is dripping down his cheeky chin.
What good will it do except raise your blood pressure and ruin any kind of relationship over something, I promise, will soon be history. Not soon enough? Well, patience is a virtue after all, and no that’s not a slogan, though agreeing to disagree certainly is, even if it kills you.
Just now coming back from the park watching a young heavyset girl lifting weights with a trainer unbeknownst to her, texting behind her back knowing, what she needs is cardio, not muscle over her baby fat.
The poor thing, all of 20, sweating like a sumo wrestler when she should have felt the early morning breeze during a fast walk, in her long, tawny hair.
I so wanted to go up to trainer man with biceps like yams and say…hey…you’re getting at least 75 an hour, pay attention to her asshole, but instead, you know what I did?
I zipped my lip, grabbed a cuppa coffee, before heading peacefully home. ![Unknown.jpeg]()