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Mudslinging, a Messy Word


images I’m so tired of all the mudslinging, a noun meaning, the use of insults and accusations, especially unjust ones, with the aim of damaging the reputation of another.

The term muckraker comes to mind, a word Theodore Roosevelt coined in a speech he gave in 1906, describing journalists who dug up dirt to sell newspapers.

To say we’re presently surrounded by muckrakers would be an understatement.

I’m tired of the self-righteous condemning and judging, ruining and wrecking as if they were holier-than-thou, which brings me to the word…flaw…a fault, failing or weakness in a person’s stature.

A defect, deficiency…a chink in someone’s armor…a crack in character casting doubt tainting one’s integrity…a stigma, black mark or moral blemish.

For the record, we’re all flawed. I want to meet the perfect soul claiming otherwise. Even Saints are described as sinners, who just kept on trying.

I would LOVE to look into some of the closets of those hurling stones. Trust me, everyone has something they’d prefer to keep under wraps.


To decide someone who erred can’t exhibit remorse, making an attempt to rebuild from their admitted mistakes, really makes me angry, regardless of who it is.

The person who’s sorry for what they’ve done without denial, cloaked in humiliation and shame, a sentence in itself, deserves another chance.

Like I said, we’re all flawed, harboring missteps along the way that were just not caught…yet.

The truth, that little imp, always manages to come out, so as you’re slinging that mud as if you were Babe Ruth, I’d take pause if I were you.  images





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