As you know, I love history so I couldn’t wait to see the new film, Hyde Park On Hudson with Bill Murray playing FDR.
I had seen a preview which I have to say was quite misleading since it implied the film’s main theme is when The Roosevelts entertained the King and Queen of England in 1939 at their country estate, Springwood, in upstate New York.
Instead, what it really revolves around is FDR’s ‘special relationship’ with his distant cousin, Margaret Suckler otherwise known as Daisy.
Now I’ve read many books on our 32nd President and what I knew about Daisy was that one, she was around quite a bit, two, she gave him Fala his beloved black Scottish Terrier and she was present when he passed away in Warm Springs, Georgia in 1945.
Apparently in 1991 when Daisy died in her 100th year, a box of letters along with her diary were found beneath her bed describing an intimate relationship with her cousin Franklin.
If you knew nothing about the particulars of the Roosevelt marriage you’d come away thinking, wow, that FDR was one randy guy and with polio no less…and when did he find time to run the country while he was fooling around with all these women.
First of all, his marriage to Eleanor by this time was in name only, an arrangement that from what I’ve read she actually preferred. She was well aware of her husband’s attachments to Missy LeHand, his long time secretary and according to this film, his cousin Daisy .
The minute I start thinking of cousins canoodling I see extra thumbs and toes, like the Hemingway cats…all that interbreeding. But of course they were both adults so no children, that we know of, were ever produced. But who knows, there might be a sequel:
Daisy Rides Again, which brings me to the scene when Daisy gives Franklin an impromptu hand-job in the front seat of his 1936 Ford Phaeton with its special manual controls (I’ll say it was manual). Bill Murray and Laura Linney, who plays Daisy, did a remarkable job keeping straight faces.
Little ole Connecticut me could have done without that silly, sordid scene. I suppose it answered the big question of, how does a man in a wheelchair with dead legs, as they were crudely called back then, climax?
OOH…I just gave myself a chill.
Alrighty then, so pretty much outta the gate this is cleared up for us complete with a jiggling fender and FDR’s quivering head.
There are just certain things we don’t need to know.
One thing’s for sure…if a man asks you to peek at his stamp collection, run.
What I liked the most were the King and Queen scenes since that part of history I’m more acquainted with. Eleanor (Olivia Williams), against everyone’s better judgment, arranges a picnic where Indians are scheduled to chant and hot dogs will be served. The way Elizabeth, the Queen of England (Olivia Coleman) pronounces hot dog might be worth the price of admission.
It was also very important to our film makers to get the point across that Eleanor swung both ways.
There was so much history at their finger tips and they choose that.
I’d like to take Richard Nelson, the writer and Roger Michell, the director right over my knee, but of course they would probably enjoy that.
The Roosevelts, despite having separate personal lives, had a great partnership. ‘My Missus…she’s my ears and eyes,’ FDR would say. And it was true. Eleanor kept him up to speed on many things he would have undoubtedly missed. And as far as her women friends go, they’re the ones who helped her become the force she indeed became. They encouraged her, gave her confidence and whether or not she slept with any of them or all of them is really none of our business.
Franklin was flawed (who isn’t), but not because he had sexual needs he allegedly quenched. I’d say he suffered from terminal sangfroid… a Waspy coolness that kept his heart shut down more often than not. That wasn’t unusual for a wealthy patrician of his time. His dominating mother, Sara, played to the hilt by Elizabeth Wilson did everything but wipe his rear. There is such a thing as care-taking too much. You can polish a man’s balls till they gleam, if you must, but they don’t belong in your purse.
Does everyone get that?
Do I think Hyde Park On Hudson is worth its 14 dollar admission price even with the Queen’s pronunciation of hot dog? I’m actually on the fence because the acting is so great.
Bill Murray without make-up absorbs the essence of Franklin Delano Roosevelt to an impressive T. He even managed to mimic FDR’s body movements, the way he hoisted himself from chair to chair. There was also the humor that was rather ongoing with him and the stuttering King George VI (Samuel West) who he treats more like a son than the head of a country on the brink of war with Germany who came to ask for help.
Laura Linney is flawless as usual. Her Daisy is shy and tentative, dreamy and clumsy and heartbreakingly naive. When she learns she’s not Franklin’s only love her shock will go through every woman watching. Who hasn’t felt that at least once in their lifetime?
Again, all the sexual intrigue left me cold. To be quite honest, I’m happy that Mr. Roosevelt had affection in his life when you consider the cards he was dealt physically.
If the writing was accurate, it appeared Eleanor, Daisy, Missy, Mrs. Rutherfood, Ms Schiff, Cinderella, Minnie Mouse and forgive me if I’ve left anyone out, all ultimately were fine with their individual arrangements.
Hyde Park On Hudson was beautifully filmed in England where they replicated Springwood. If I wasn’t told, I would have assumed they shot at the actual house.
So, to answer my own question, is it worth seeing?
I’m going to say…